Losing Your Mind
So how can you tell if you’re actually losing your mind???
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Sunday morning I wanted to make pancakes. (Pancakes are my jam!)
So I went to the fridge and got out the milk and the eggs
and put them on the counter.
And I got out my 1-quart Pyrex measuring cup
that I always use to make my pancake batter
and set it on the counter.
And I got the flour.
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Then I went over to the (makeshift) pantry
to get the baking powder…
and there was no baking powder to be found.
I looked and looked all over every inch of that metro cart,
the whole time complaining that I can never find anything
because no one ever puts anything back where it belongs!
Then I remembered that I used the last of the baking powder
the last time I made pancakes.
Frustrated, I grabbed the car keys and headed out the door.
So I ran to the store and bought 2 cans of baking powder.
And when I got home and walked back into the kitchen,
there was the can of baking powder sitting on the counter.
Right next to the Pyrex measuring cup
and the eggs
and the milk
and the flour
where it had been since I put it there.
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My theory has always been that
if you’re worried about losing your mind,
then you’re not really losing your mind,
because if you were really losing your mind,
you wouldn’t know enough to be worried
that you’re losing your mind.
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But I’m worried that on Sunday
I might have gotten pretty close…
PS The pancakes were really good!
Matt. 6:34