It's A Fixer Upper with 1970's Decor
We have purchased and are renovating my childhood home.
My family moved into this house when it was brand new. It was 1964. I was nine years old.
(Did you just do the math?? Now you know how old I am!)
My mom and stepdad lived here for 54 years. (I moved out when I was 19.)
They made some changes over the years. Most of the decorating was done in the 70’s and 80’s. They covered pretty much every wall with dark paneling. And there was this dark oak bar. With a brown light soffit over it. Complete with a gold colored plastic light diffuser!
Look at the popcorn ceiling texture.
The wallpaper was images of vintage magazine ads.
And they had a pool table in one half of the living room.
And don’t get me started on the heavy drapes….
They got the pool table the year after I graduated from high school - 1973.
Right after they did this….
It’s the real show-stopper…
Wait for it……..
This black volcanic rock fireplace wall!!
It was really something in its day.
We’re not sure when we’re going to get around to tearing this thing down. We’ve been told that some of the rocks actually weigh more than 100 pounds!
Living in an unfinished house. This is how it looks for now until we redo this room
I suppose we could paint it.
But it seems to me that would be kind of like having a huge elephant in your living room.
And painting it. To make it look better. Or maybe so it would blend in.
And no one would notice it….