A Letter to House Plants Everywhere
Dear House Plants,
Please beware – you definitely do not want to come to my house!
Listen up English Ivy, Angel Vine, Maidenhair Fern and fuzzy bright green plant I don’t even know the name of – if you’re at Home Depot or Green Thumb and you see me coming – save yourself! Muster up every ounce of botanical fortitude you have, duck back and hide among the other plants. Trust me, you do not want to be the one that I pick.
It’s so sad, really, because I love you Plants. You are one of the most perfect decorating accessories that exists. You are organic. And natural. And you clean the air we breathe. And you add life to a space. But if you’re in my home - You. Are. Doomed.
I’m so sorry. But no matter what I do, no one gets out alive.
May you all Rest In Peace….